

The Gabby Gallifreyan was in full swing last week

The actual speech poor Peter Capaldi had to deliver while chasing the evil aliens away:

I tried to talk. I want you to remember that. I tried to reach out. I tried to understand you. But I think you understand us perfectly. And I think that you just don’t care. And I don’t know if you’re here to invade, infiltrate or just replace us. I don’t suppose it really matters now. You are monsters! That is the role you seem determined to play. So it seems that I must play mine! The man that stops the monsters. I’m sending you back to your own dimension. Who knows? Some of you may even survive the trip. And if you do, remember this: you are not welcome here. This plane is protected. I am the Doctor. And I name you…the boneless!

This is only the latest example of Moffat never writing a speech he didn’t like.

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